
  • Coordinate and provide oversight of geospatial activities within state government
  • Review and propose geospatial projects that would have a statewide benefit
  • Act as a clearinghouse of geospatial activities including the orderly accumulation and dissemination of geospatial data via the North Dakota GIS Hub
  • Chaired by the Geospatial Program Manager at the Information Technology Department
  • Issue a report to the Governor's office at the end of each fiscal year, detailing progress and problems encountered with geospatial activities in the state.

  • Keep the agencies and public of North Dakota informed with respect to geospatial activities, technologies, projects, standards, and data
  • Meet on a regular schedule, at least once per month
  • Prioritize and direct the spending of the available geospatial budget
  • Promote partnerships and collaboration with other levels of government statewide, utilization of other resources
  • Look for cost saving opportunities by coordination of software and hardware purchase, data acquisition, training, and support; identifying what other State agencies are doing with geospatial, to help eliminate redundancies
  • Promote the use of geospatial to enhance the utilization of existing data
  • Put North Dakota in the forefront of national use of geospatial tools and technology

The State Geospatial Committee (SGC) meets at 9am CT on the second Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted.  If you are interested in attending one of these meetings as a guest please contact us because the meeting locations rotate through the SGC agency locations.  Please note the open meeting information found on the Attorney General's Office website.

January 2025 coming soon









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